IT’S BEEN OVER a decade since the final season of Sex and the City aired, and we’re still holding it as tightly as ever. Carrie, we need you right now. And we need Carrie Dragshaw.
‘Carrie Dragshaw’ is the drag queen persona of 32-year-old New Yorker and strategy consultant Dan Clay.
It started on Halloween, when he decided to dress up as Carrie as we know her from the opening credits of Sex and the City – big hair, tutu, and general look of wonderment:
His Halloween exploits as Carrie were hugely popular on Instagram, and eventually caught the attention of Sarah Jessica Parker herself, who commented to say his costume was a ‘triumph’.
Armed with SJP’s approval, Clay decided to continue recreating some of Carrie’s best-known outfits right down to the setting.
Every post also contains a caption loaded with Carrie-style metaphors and questions:
And then there are the outfits. Like whatever this was:
Whatever this was:
One of Carrie’s ‘Parisian’ efforts:
And the iconic white slip she donned when she told Big “Your girl is lovely, Hubbell” and he hadn’t a clue what she was talking about. Remember that?
He even made the fringed bag to go with it. That’s dedication.
Clay’s account is a must-follow for lovers of Sex and the City (and while you’re at it, follow @everyoutfitonsatc. You can thank us later).